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 Parasite ?

Photo No 830 - Personal rate : - Visitor rate : -   Vote

 General datas  Technical datas
Date : 2003-06-08
Author : Christophe Naslain
Event :
Area : Arcachon Bay
Site : Saint Yves
Subject :
Species : Add a new species
Camera : Subal-F90X
Lens : Nikon AF 105 mm Macro
Strobe : SB105 + YS50 TTL
Film : Velvia 50
Adjustments :
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 Comment from narcose29
Cet animal me semble être un crustacé copépode, fréquemment observé comme parasite cutané de certains poissons (lieus, labres).
Posted date 23/07/2003 

 Comment from Christophe Naslain
Apparament, ce n'est pas un Anilocre (Anilocra frontalis) qui est une espèce sans yeux... La question reste ouverte.
Posted date 23/07/2003 

 Comment from Steven Weinberg
Ce pourrait être un Cirolanidae...
Posted date 13/10/2003 

 Comment from Stephen Keable
Hi Christophe,

the large eyes and the apparently prehensile nature of the legs (pereopods) suggest this isopod is in the family Cymothoidae (probably a juvenile/male) not the Cirolanidae. Cymothoid juveniles are free living but the adults are fish parasites as your caption suggests. The actual specimen would be needed to see if it were possbile to identify further but if it is juvenile I suspect this will not be possible.

Regards, Steve.

Ref. : http://www.crustacea.net/crustace/Isopoda/www/cymothoi.htm
Posted date 22/10/2003 

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