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Categories list
    - Underwater photography guides and handbooks
    - Marine biology guides and Handbooks
    - Beautifull underwater photography books
    - Other books

Underwater photography guides and handbooks
Choosing and using underwater strobes
Jim & Cathy Church
Jim & Cathy Church, 1984
Cours de photographie sous-marine
Editions de Vecchi, 1995
Essential guide to composition
Jim Church
Aqua quest publications, 1998
Essential guide to Nikonos systems
Jim Church
Aqua quest publications, 1994
La photo sous-marine
Fernando Armati
Editions Atlas, 1982
La photographie sous-marine
Michel Pakiela
Les editions du plaisancier, 1997
La prise de vue sous-marine
Claude Rives, Chenz & Christian Petron
Filipacchi-Denoël, 1979
Le monde sous-marin et son image
Jean Jacques Meusy
Paul Montel, 1979
Photographier sous l'eau
Editions Gap, 2001
Réussir vos photos sous-marines
Marc Debatty
Amphora, 1999
The traveler's guide to Emergency Repair for the Nikonos V Camera
Mike Haber & Mike Mesgleski
Mike Haber & Mike Mesgleski, 1998
The Underwater photographer
Martin Edge
Focal press, 1996-1999
The underwater photography handbook
Annemarie & Danja Köhler
New Holland Publishers, 1998
Traité de photographie
Jean Charpié
Edition VM-Paris, 1989


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