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Photo No 503 - Personal rate : - Visitor rate : -   Vote

 General datas  Technical datas
Date : 2001-07-07
Author : Christophe Naslain
Event :
Area : Arcachon Bay
Site : Hortense
Subject :
Species : Scale worm (Eunice harassii)
Species datasheet
Camera : Nikonos V
Lens : Nikonos 35 mm Macro 1:1
Strobe : SB 105
Film : Velvia 50
Adjustments : f:22 - Auto
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 Comment from Henri

Ton vers c'est semble t il un
Taille adulte 25 30 cm, les grandes especes voisines peuvent atteindre 1 metre.


Posted date 2/09/2002 

 Comment from Leslie
Sorry, this is neither a scaleworm nor Eunice harassii. It belongs to the family Nereididae. It's impossible to tell what genus or species from the image but it is clearly an epitoke with enlarged eyes, modified head & posterior body.
Regards, Leslie
Posted date 22/08/2004 

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