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Selection of the classification
  Stelleroidea [Lamarck, 1816] Pictures
  Asteroidea ( Sea stars ) Pictures
  Acanthaster planci  Crown-of-thorns starfish Datasheet Pictures
  Asterias rubens  Common Starfish Datasheet Pictures
  Fromia ghardaqana  Hurghada star Datasheet Pictures
  Gomophya egyptiaca  Egyptian starfish Datasheet Pictures
  Luidia ciliaris  Seven-armed starfish Datasheet Pictures
  Marthasterias glacialis  Marthasterias Datasheet Pictures
  Ophiuroidea [Gray, 1840] ( Brittle stars ) Pictures
  Astrospartus mediterraneus (arborescens)  Gorgon's head Datasheet Pictures
  Ophiothrix purpurea  Purple brittle star Datasheet Pictures


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