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Aetobatus narinari

Euphrasen, 1790

Spotted eagle ray


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Latin name : Aetobatus narinari (Euphrasen, 1790)
Synonyms :
Classification : Chondrichthyes ( Cartilaginous fishes, sharks, rays )
Name : Raie léopard
Aigle de mer
Name : Spotted eagle ray
Main identification characters
An eagleray with a long snout, flat and rounded like a duck's bill, a thick head, and a pectoral disc with sharply curved, angular corners, and no caudal fin; jaws usually with single row of flat, chevron-shaped teeth. Each tooth a crescent-shaped plate joined into a band.

Numerous white spots on black or bluish disc; white below. Long whiplike tail, with a long spine near the base, behind small dorsal fin. No spines on disk.

Maximum length 90 cm.

Tail spines are poisonous.
Possible confusions
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Feeds mainly on bivalves but also eats shrimps, crabs, octopus and worms, whelks, and small fishes.
Cycle of life / Reproduction
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Vivant seul ou en couples.
Vivipares incubants.
Jusqu'à 4 embrions par portée,atteignant 17-35 cm.à la naissance;
Interaction with other species
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Toutes les espèces sont dangereuses si on pose le pied dessus
Les plus grosses peuvent infliger une piqûre mortelle.
Elles s'enfouissent sous le sable en quelques coups de nageoires et seuls leurs yeux restent visibles. Les plus petites peuvent se cacher ainsi très près du bord des plages et piquer les baigneurs qui les écrasent sans les avoir vues.


Commonly found in shallow inshore waters such as bays and coral reefs but may cross oceanic basins. Sometimes enters estuaries. Swims close to the surface, occasionally leaping out of the water, or close to the bottom. Frequently forming large schools during the non-breeding season.
Geographical distribution
Western Atlantic: North Carolina (summer) and Florida, USA and Bermuda to southern Brazil. Throughout Gulf of Mexico and Caribbean, including Antilles.
Eastern Atlantic: Mauritania to Angola.
Indo-West Pacific: Red Sea and South Africa to Hawaii, north to Japan, south to Australia, French Polynesia.
Eastern Pacific: Gulf of California to Puerto Pizarro, Peru and the Galapagos Islands.

There may be more than one species of spotted Aetobatus.
Websites :
http://ichtyonb1.mnhn.fr/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Aetobatu [...]

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Data sheet written by Christophe Naslain , 8/11/2002

Updates :
Christophe Naslain - 05/11/2003
Abystrale - 27/08/2006

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