Latin name : |
Zeus faber ( Linnaeus, 1758) |
Synonyms : |
Classification : |
Zeidae ( John dory ) |
Name : |
Saint Pierre
Name : |
John Dory
St Peter' fish
Main identification characters |
Body tall and laterally compressed like an oval plate. Between 30-70 cm in length. Eight to ten strong dorsal finrays. Golden brown with dappled markings with a striking brown spot in middle of body. Large, very protractile mouth containing small conical teeth in jaws. Golden green-grey or silvery bronze. |
Possible confusions |
American John Dory (Zenopsis conchifer), now renamed to Buckler Dory, it also goes by the name of Silvery John Dory. |
Feed |
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Cycle of life / Reproduction |
Feel free to update this datasheet and complete this data. |
Interaction with other species |
Feel free to update this datasheet and complete this data. |
Habitat |
 Pelagic |
 Sand |
John Dory are found in depths from 5 metres to 400 metres, but are uncommon in waters deeper than 200m. They live close to the seabed. |
Geographical distribution |
John Dory are found in Western Indian Ocean, the eastern Atlantic Ocean, the Mediterranean Sea, and off Australia, New Zealand and Japan. |
Websites : |
http://www.enchantedlearning.com/subjects/fish/printouts/Johndoryprint [...]
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Découvrir l'Atlantique, la Manche et la mer du Nord
Steven Weinberg
Editions Nathan 1994

Découvrir la Méditerrannée
Steven Weinberg
Editions Nathan 1992

Guide de la faune et de la flore littorales des mers d'Europe
A.C. Campbell, James Nicholls
Delachaux & Niestlé 1979, 1986

Guide de la faune sous-marine des côtes méditerranéennes
W. Luther & K. Fielder
Delachaux et Niestlé, 1987

Guide sous-marin de la Méditerranée
Aline Fiala-Médiono, Christian Pétron, Claude Rives
Flammarion, 1987

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Les poissons d'Europe - Guide Vert
Hervé Chaumeton, Patrick Louisy, Thierry Maitre-Allain, Didier Magnan
Edition Solar, 1989
Data sheet written by Christophe Naslain , 3/09/2002
Updates :
Christophe Naslain - 03/09/2002