Latin name : |
Balistoides viridescens (Bloch & Schneider, 1801) |
Synonyms : |
Classification : |
Balistidae ( Triggerfishes ) |
Name : |
Baliste Olivâtre
Baliste à moustache
Baliste titan
Baliste à tête jaune
Name : |
Titan Trigger
Spotted Triggerfish
Pulonon Matingin
Main identification characters |
One of the larger triggerfishes and, in its adult form, a distinctive and decorative fish. The Titan triggerfish follows the normal elongated oval body pattern, a drab yellowish khaki giving the basic underlying colour. The lower jaw area is white, whilst the mouth is outlined by thin pale blue lines overlaying a dark brown "moustache". A thickened and diffuse dark brown stripe runs from the pectoral fins, through the eye-sockets, and forms a skull-cap dotted with yellow to orange spots. The powerful body is covered with large clearly defined scales, each being a mid-brown, but edged with the basic body colour. The caudal peduncle is white, with four horizontal rows of greyish spines. The fins are a pale off-white, edged with black.
Adults generally occur in deep lagoon and outer reef habitats from 5 to at least 40 m. Size : Grows to about 70 cm in length.
It is very wary but has been known to attack divers while protecting its nest. |
Possible confusions |
Pseudobalistes flavimarginatus |
Feed |
Feeds on sea urchins, coral, crabs and other crustaceans, mollusks and tube worms. |
Cycle of life / Reproduction |
Oviparous. Juveniles are commonly seen on isolated patch reefs in relatively protected, shallow, sandy, inshore areas. |
Interaction with other species |
Reports of ciguatera poisoning (ciguatoxic). |
Habitat |
 Coral |
Occur in lagoon and seaward reefs. |
Geographical distribution |
Indo-Pacific: Red Sea south to Delagoa Bay and French Polynesia, Mozambique and east to the Line and Tuamotu islands, north to southern Japan, south to New Caledonia; throughout Micronesia. |
Websites : |
http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Balistoid [...]
http://www.manband-archive.com/triggers/catalogue/balistoides_viridesc [...]
http://www.uog.edu/marinelab/fish/species_html/balistoides.viridescens [...]
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N/A |
Data sheet written by Christophe Naslain , 5/11/2002
Updates :
Christophe Naslain - 08/11/2002 Abystrale - 27/08/2006
Comments |
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Comment from Sylvie
Bien que cette espèce soit parfois considérée comme agressive, celui que j'ai rencontré en Polynésie était très gentil. Il nous a accompagné toute la plongée restant quand même toujours à un bon mètre de la palanquée. |
Posted date 6/11/2002 |
Comment from Patrick DELMAS
Sur plongeur international de ce mois ci (novembre 2002)il y a un article sur un baliste olivatre qui a attaqué une plongeuse en la mordant sérieusement au visage! |
Posted date 18/11/2002 |