Latin name : |
Aplysia punctata (Cuvier, 1803) |
Synonyms : |
Classification : |
Anaspidea ( Sea hares ) |
Name : |
Li?vre de mer moucheté
Name : |
Dotted sea-hare
Main identification characters |
Grows up to 20cm. Body colour variable, ranging from olive-green, brown, red, purplish-black, with blotches of grey, white, often with black or dark-brown spots and veining. The body is long and narrow and the parapodia join rather high posteriorly. produce both purple and white secretions when disturbed. |
Possible confusions |
Aplysia deplians and Aplysia fasciata. |
Feed |
Data exist in different language. Feel free to update this datasheet and translate the data : Herbivore. |
Cycle of life / Reproduction |
Data exist in different language. Feel free to update this datasheet and translate the data : Lors de la reproduction, il peut se former de longues chaînes de lièvres qui copulent ensemble.
La ponte du lièvre de mer est un cordon gélatineux dans lequel se trouve des dizaine de miliers d'oeufs roses. |
Interaction with other species |
Feel free to update this datasheet and complete this data. |
Data exist in different language. Feel free to update this datasheet and translate the data : Rampe sur les algues ou les herbiers, en eaux peu profonde. |
Geographical distribution |
Northeast Atlantic from Greenland to Mediterranean. |
Websites : |
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Découvrir l'Atlantique, la Manche et la mer du Nord
Steven Weinberg
Editions Nathan 1994

Découvrir la Méditerrannée
Steven Weinberg
Editions Nathan 1992

Guide de la faune et de la flore littorales des mers d'Europe
A.C. Campbell, James Nicholls
Delachaux & Niestlé 1979, 1986
Data sheet written by , 19/11/2002
Updates :
Christophe Naslain - 19/11/2002 Christophe Naslain - 23/11/2002