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Stichodactyla gigantea

Carpet Anemone


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Latin name : Stichodactyla gigantea ()
Synonyms : Priapus giganteus (Forsskal, 1775)
Discosoma giganteum
Stoichactis kenti
Classification : Actiniaria ( Anemones )
Name : Anémone tapis
Name : Carpet Anemone
Gigantic Sea Anemone
Giant Carpet Anemone
Main identification characters
A distinct Anemone with tentacles (100mm long, sometimes longer) with tenatcle tips being either a well rounded bulb, a thin bulb, or blunt ended. Sometimes the bulb is set lower than the end tip. It is believed that the bulb is a sign of an Anemonefish being present, and that this can reduce to a blunt end at will (or when an Anemonefish leaves it). Often only the tentacles can be seen, with the rest of the animal often deep in a crevice.

Can be found at different water depths; in deep water (drop offs, reef slopes) it is usually found in its Solitary Form (see size). In shallower water and around corals, animals live intensively together forming 'fields' or 'mounds' which appear to be one huge anemone, but are in fact many hundreds of smaller ones, each with their own dominant pair of Anemonefish. This Cluster Form is often seen on the Great Barrier Reef (GBR), Lord Howe Island (Australia), and parts of South East Asia. The Solitary Form is commonly seen in the Red Sea, and on and about wrecks.

More than often, both blunt ended and bulb ended tentacles are present at the same time, which is why H.crispa is often mistaken for the blunt ended E.quadricolor.
Possible confusions
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Cette espèce habite des zones sablonneuses, calmes et peu profondes où les conditions peuvent être difficilles : turbidité élevée, variations thermiques importantes, déficit en oxygène durant la nuit.
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Data sheet written by Christophe Naslain , 7/11/2002

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