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Eretmochelys imbricata imbricata

Linné, 1766

Hawksbill Turtle


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Latin name : Eretmochelys imbricata imbricata (Linné, 1766)
Synonyms :
Classification : Reptilia [ Laurenti, 1768 ] ( Reptiles )
Name : Tortue imbriquée
Name : Hawksbill Turtle
Main identification characters
Masse: 45 kg, on average.

The hawksbill sea turtle is a small sea turtle that takes its species name (imbricata) from the overlapping plates on its upper shell. Moreover, it takes its common name from the shape of its hooked jaw. It reaches a length of about 166- 22 inches.
Possible confusions
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On peut la confondre avec la tortue verte qui possède également 4 paires de plaques costales.
La différence est que la tortue imbriquée a deux paires de plaques préfrontales, alors que la tortue verte n'en a qu'une paire.
The hawksbill sea turtle as many other sea turtles is omnivorous, feeding both on plant and animal material. It prefers grasses and other plants from the bottom of the ocean as well as from grass beds that float at different depths. It also consumes small animals and sometimes the dead remains of marine creatures.
Cycle of life / Reproduction
The hawksbill sea turtle reproduces the same way as most other turtles. They come out of the water only during the breeding season. The rest of their lives are spent mostly in the water. They dig nests in the coastal sands and lay their eggs there. They return to the water after the eggs have been laid.
Interaction with other species
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Bien que protégées, de nombreuses tortues se noient tous les jours dans les filets de pêches. Les plus petites se font souvent piéger dans les casiers où elles ont été attirées par les poissons prisinniers et se noient elles aussi.

The hawksbill sea turtle is found in seas around the world. It mostly inhabits tropical regions but it can also exist in temperate areas.
Geographical distribution
Oceanic Islands, Atlantic Ocean, Pacific Ocean, Indian Ocean: The hawksbill sea turtle is found in warm waters around the world. Its range extends from Africa to Asia to North America.
Websites :
http://animaldiversity.ummz.umich.edu/accounts/eretmochelys/e._imbrica [...]

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Data sheet written by Christophe Naslain , 29/11/2002

Updates :
Christophe Naslain - 29/11/2002
Pierre-Alain Goupille - 14/04/2003
Abystrale - 27/08/2006
Hélo?se Debril - 08/06/2008

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