Latin name : |
Carangoides ferdau (Forssk?l, 1775) |
Synonyms : |
Carangoides hemigymnostethus (Bleeker 1851)
Carangoides laticaudis (Alleyne & Macleay 1877)
Caranx ferdau (Forsskål 1775)
Caranx gilberti (Jordan & Seale 1906)
Caranx hemigymnostethus (Bleeker 1851)
Ferdauia lindemanensis (Whitley 1951)
Scomber ferdau (Forsskål 1775) |
Classification : |
Carangidae ( Trevallyfishs ) |
Name : |
Carangue ? barres
Carangue tachetée
Jurel manchado
Carangue rayée
Name : |
Blue trevally
Bar Jack
Ferdau's trevally
Main identification characters |
Blue green above, paler below; 5-6 dusky bands on sides; sometimes with inconspicuous golden spots. Max. Size : 70,0 cm.
Schools in open waters and lagoons and outer reef slopes. |
Possible confusions |
Feel free to update this datasheet and complete this data. |
Feed |
Feeds mainly on crustaceans, mollusks and small fish that are abundant in the lagoons. |
Cycle of life / Reproduction |
Data exist in different language. Feel free to update this datasheet and translate the data : Les juvéniles nagent très souvent près des méduses, profitant de la protection offerte par leur tentacules urticantes. |
Interaction with other species |
Existing reports of ciguatera poisoning. |
Habitat |
 Pelagic |
Found in coastal waters adjacent to sandy beaches; also found to depths of 60 m, often near reefs. |
Geographical distribution |
Indo-West Pacific: widely distributed from the Red Sea and East Africa (to Port Elizabeth in South Africa) to the Hawaiian Islands and French Polynésia. |
Websites : |
http://www.fishbase.org/Summary/SpeciesSummary.cfm?genusname=Carangoid [...]
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Guide des récifs coralliens
A & A Ferrari
Delachaux & Niestlé, 1999-2000

Guide sous-marin de Tahiti
R. Bagnis & E. Christian
Les Editions du Pacifique, 1976-2000
Data sheet written by Christophe Naslain , 27/11/2002
Updates :
Christophe Naslain - 27/11/2002