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Solea vulgaris

Quensel, 1806

Common sole


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Latin name : Solea vulgaris (Quensel, 1806)
Synonyms : Solea solea
Pleuronectes solea, Delaroche 1809
Classification : Soleidae ( Soles )
Name : Sole commune
Name : Common sole
Black sole, Dover sole, Parkgate sole, River sole, Sea partridge, Slip, Sole, Southport sole, ToungeTrue sole.
Main identification characters
Body oval. Blind side of head covered with numerous small hair-like fringes; upper eye separated from dorsal profile of head by a distance distinctly greater than its diameter; anterior nostril of blind side surrounded by a small ridge but not enlarged, distance from this nostril to head profile contained 1.5 to 1.8 times in distance from nostril to mouth cleft; anterior nostril on eyed side with tube directed backwards, not reaching anterior margin of eye.

Dorsal fin with 72 to 95 rays, its origin on dorsal profile of head before the eyes. Anal fin with 53 to 80 rays. Pectoral fins equally well developed on both sides, with 7 to 10 rays, the fin on eyed side asymmetrical in shape. Base of caudal fin united by a membrane to last ray of dorsal and anal fins, but caudal peduncle still distinct. Lateral line with 116 to 163 tubed scales, its supratemporal prolongation describing a smooth curve on head. Colour eyed side greyish brown to reddish brown; blind side white.

Pectoral fin of eyed side with a black blotch restricted to distal end of fin; hind part of caudl darker than rest of fin.
Possible confusions
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Feed polychaete worms, small soft-shelled bivalves, small fishes and crustaceans.
Cycle of life / Reproduction
Reproduction: spawns January-April, with two peaks in February (Mediterranean), or December-May (Bay of Biscay), or April-June (North Sea).
Interaction with other species
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Benthic species on sandy and muddy bottoms, from the shore down to 200-300 m. Usually solitary.
Geographical distribution
Eastern Atlantic (southward from Tronheim Fjord, also North Sea and western Baltic) and Mediterranean (also Sea of Marmara, Bosphorus and south-western Black Sea). Elsewhere, southward to Senegal.
Websites :
http://www.fao.org/fiservlet/org.fao.fi.common.FiRefServlet?ds=species [...]

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Découvrir l'Atlantique, la Manche et la mer du Nord
Steven Weinberg
Editions Nathan 1994
Data sheet written by Christophe Naslain , 2/10/2002

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 Comment from Abystrale
Miam,miam. Au beurre avec un filet de citron.A souvent pour habitat les étals de poissonniers.
Posted date 2/09/2006 

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