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How to remove the ad popup windows ?
Author : Christophe Naslain / Date : 9/09/2002
Two solutions exists to remove automatic popup windows, let me explain how to do :

First solution : Reduction !
Second solution : Complete eradication with a REAL browser !

First solution : Reduction !

If you close the popup window, it will be automatically reopened with each page :-(
But if you reduce it, popup will disappear and you'll navigate quitely on this website. When you'll leave, just close the popup.

How to reduce the popup window ? Just click on the "Minimize" button on the popup navigation bar :

Second solution : Complete eradication with a REAL browser !

Most of internet surfers use the Micro$oft browser Internet Explorer (IE) because it is automatically installed with Micro$oft operating system... There are many other free browsers, one of them is a REAL browser and allows you much more stuffs than IE... It's name, Mozilla !

 Website : http://www.mozilla.org

Many improves and options have been added to this browser, one option allows to answer our question : "Open Unrequested Windows". If this option is checked, automatic popups will not open.

How to enable/disable this option ?

Open Mozilla preferences : Edit > Preferences :

Then :
1 - double-click on Advanced
2 - click on Scripts & Windows
3 - disable "Open Unrequested Windows"

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 Comment from Stéphane
J'ai essayé la version de mozilla, c'est vraiement génial ! En plus de l'option *** magique ***, il y a les tabulations de pages, les bookmarks multi-sélection etc. Génial !
Posted date 9/09/2002 

 Comment from Roland
C'est vrai que par défaut, on utilise tous Internet Explorer, c'est un bon navigateur et puis on ne se prend pas la tête pour installer un autre logiciel...

Maintenant que je suis tombé dans Mozilla, ne me parlez plus d'Internet Explorer ! Mozilla est définitivement *** Adopté ***
Posted date 20/12/2002 

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